You really need to make every shot you take count, because if you miss that vital shot you might not get another chance to get another one off before you're history. Sniping requires patience, accuracy, timing, and strategy. You really need to know how to work the equipment too. The scope has to be sighted correctly and you need to know how to use it to its full effect. You will need to make use of cover and concealment skills to stay hidden from the opposing side. If you don't plan ahead and make good use of your environment you will most likely find yourself in some tight spots. And you definitely don't want to find yourself surrounded when armed only with a single shot sniper rifle and perhaps a semi automatic pistol as a sidearm. Sniping will definitely challenge you, but this is why it is all the more rewarding when you excel at it.
Having a good rifle is essential. We recommend the UTG line of airsoft sniper rifles. They are accurate, powerful, and reliable. Many of the come with a scope so you won't have to worry about picking out the right one. The UTG sniper kits come complete with scopes that fit the rifle seamlessly.