Adding a scope to your airsoft rifle is a fairly straightforward process. The parts you will need to add a scope include a mounting rail, the scope itself, and mounting rings. Most rifles come with a built in top rail, and chances are that your rifle does too. In case it does not, there are many ways of adding a rail to your rifle. See the list below for links to rail mounts which fit different gun styles.
AK47 Rail MountM16/M4 Rail MountG36 Rail MountMP5 Rail MountFAMAS Rail MountOnce you have a rail mounted on your rifle the next step is to pick out the scope that will work best for your needs. As you look for a scope you will most likely come across the terms listed below. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with them as the specs of your scope will affect how well it suits you in the field.
Magnification - This is basically how close the scope brings you to your target. For example, an object viewed through a scope with a magnification of 5 will appear to be 5 times larger when viewed through the scope than when viewed with the naked eye.
Eye relief - The eye relief is the distance from the eyepiece you must position your eye to see the image correctly. The shorter the eye relief the closer you have to be to the scope when using it to aim.
Objective lens diameter - The diameter of the objective lens, usually expressed in millimeters. The larger the objective lens the more light can be gathered from an image.
Tube Diameter - The diameter of the tube does not have a direct effect on the image rendered by the scope, but it does effect how you mount the scope. The tube diameter must be the same as the rings which you use to mount the scope.
When looking at scopes the specifications will usually be displayed as follows: 3-9x50. The 3-9x means that the scope has a variable magnification between 3x to 9x. The 50 stands for the objective lens diameter, which is 50mm.
There are many different scopes with with varying degrees of magnification. For mid ranged rifles (most AEGs) we recommend that you choose a scope with a magnification of 3x-6x. Higher magnifications will not be very useful for your rifle's firing range. Also note that lower magnifications make it easier to keep the image steady, and higher magnifications show a smaller field of view. For sniper rifles a higher magnification will be more beneficial as your targets will usually be at a greater distance.
Once you have a scope picked out the last part is getting the appropriate sized rings. The ring size will correspond to the scope's tube diameter, so a 1" tube scope will use 1" rings. You also need to make sure that the rings fit your rail. For most airsoft applications weaver bases are used, in which case weaver rings should also be used.
Find everything you need here:
Airsoft ScopesAirsoft Mounting Accessories and Scope Rings